limits the number of concurrent calls to a system. Calls exceeding this number are queued, this helps to maximize resource usage. When the queue is full, calls are immediately rejected with a BulkheadRejection
Using a Bulkhead
not only protects the external system, it also prevents queueing up of requests, which consumes resources in the calling system, by rejecting calls immediately when the queue is full.
Any Bulkhead can execute any type of ZIO[R, E, A]
, so you can execute effects of different types while limiting concurrent usage of the same underlying resource.
Usage example
import zio._
import nl.vroste.rezilience._
import nl.vroste.rezilience.Bulkhead.BulkheadError
// We use Throwable as error type in this example
def myCallToExternalResource(someInput: String): ZIO[Any, Throwable, Int] = ???
val bulkhead: ZIO[Scope, Nothing, Bulkhead] = Bulkhead.make(maxInFlightCalls = 10, maxQueueing = 32)
bulkhead.flatMap { bulkhead =>
val result: ZIO[Any, BulkheadError[Throwable], Int] =
bulkhead(myCallToExternalResource("some input"))