Combining policies

rezilience policies can be composed into one to apply several resilience strategies as one.

A composed policy has a wider range of possible errors than an individual policy. This is made explicit by having to convert each policy to an instance of Policy by calling .toPolicy. Such a Policy has a slightly different signature for the apply method in the error type:

def apply[R, E1 <: E, A](f: ZIO[R, E1, A]): ZIO[R, PolicyError[E1], A]

A policy can be composed with another one using its compose method, which wraps another policy around it. Below is an example of wrapping a Retry around a RateLimiter around a Bulkhead. The for-comprehension is needed because policies are created as ZManageds.

val policy: ZIO[Scope, Nothing, Policy[Any]] = for {
  rateLimiter <- RateLimiter.make(1, 2.seconds)
  bulkhead    <- Bulkhead.make(2)
  retry       <- Retry.make(Schedule.recurs(3))
} yield bulkhead.toPolicy compose rateLimiter.toPolicy compose retry.toPolicy

Composing policies requires some special care in handling policy errors, behavior-wise and type-wise. Take for example a retry around a circuit breaker.

  1. Behavior: what is the desired retry behavior when a circuit breaker error is encountered? Should the call be retried or the error passed through to the caller?

  2. Types: because a Retry is created with a Schedule that expects a certain type E of errors as input, a Retry[E] cannot be applied on ZIO[R, CircuitBreakerError[E], A] effects.

For these cases, the Retry and CircuitBreaker policies have a widen method that can adapt them to a diferent type of error. For example to adapt a Retry[Throwable] to a Retry[PolicyError[Throwable]]:

val retry: Retry[Throwable] = ???
val retryComposable = retry.widen[PolicyError[Throwable]] { case Policy.WrappedError(e) => e }

The partial function above is made available as Policy#unwrap[E] for convenience, so that the above can be written as

val retryComposable: Retry[PolicyError[Throwable]] = retry.widen(Policy.unwrap[Throwable])

Many variations of policy combinations are possible. The polly project has some good advice for the order in which to compose policies: